
Domain & Hosting Solutions

“Domain is your web address, like a home address for your site. Hosting is like renting space to store your website’s files, making it accessible online. Together, they bring your website to life!”

Our Services

Domain Name Registration

Secure your unique online identity effortlessly. Find and register the perfect domain name that resonates with your brand and captures your audience’s attention. Our streamlined process ensures swift registration and hassle-free management.

Web Hosting

Experience reliable and scalable hosting solutions that guarantee optimal performance. From shared hosting ideal for starters to powerful dedicated servers for advanced needs, our hosting services are backed by 24/7 support and maximum uptime.

Email Hosting

Professional communication starts with personalized email hosting. Match your domain with professional email services that enhance your brand identity and streamline communication within your organization.

Website Builders

Create stunning websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Our intuitive website builders offer drag-and-drop functionality and customizable templates, empowering you to build your online presence with ease.

SSL Certificates

Gain your visitors’ trust with robust security measures. Our SSL certificates encrypt data transmission, ensuring a secure connection between your website and your users, fostering confidence and credibility.

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Backup Services

Protect your valuable data with automated backup solutions. Safeguard against unforeseen events or data loss, ensuring continuity and peace of mind for your business operations.

Domain Transfer and Management

Effortlessly manage your domains and streamline transfers between registrars. Our management tools offer convenience and control over your domain settings and configurations.

Server Management

For advanced users and businesses, our server management services provide dedicated or virtual private servers with customizable configurations, offering greater control and performance optimization.

E-commerce Solutions

Power your online store with specialized tools tailored for e-commerce. From seamless shopping carts to secure payment gateways, elevate your online business with our e-commerce solutions.

Technical Support

Our dedicated support team is available round the clock to assist you with any queries, technical issues, or guidance required throughout your journey with us.

Additional Information


Our solutions are built to expand alongside your business, ensuring they can easily adjust as your needs change. Think of it like having tools that can be reshaped and modified to match how your business grows. No matter how your needs shift, these solutions are ready to stay in sync and work well for you.


You can rely on us to keep your website up and running smoothly all the time. We make sure it stays available and doesn’t have issues, so people can always visit it when they want. Plus, we take strong measures to keep it safe from any threats, making sure it’s protected from potential problems. Our goal is to make sure your website performs well and doesn’t give you any trouble, so you can focus on your business without worrying about technical issues.


With two decades of experience behind us, we bring a lot of smarts and know-how to everything we do. It’s like we’ve been doing this for a really long time, so we know all the ins and outs. We use what we’ve learned to make sure every part of our services is really good. Our experience helps us do things well and solve problems quickly. Whether it’s big or small, our expertise helps us handle it in the best way possible.


We customize our services to fit exactly what you need and want. It’s like getting a personalized experience online that suits your specific goals. We take the time to understand what you’re looking for and adjust our services accordingly. Think of it as tailoring a suit to your exact measurements – we make sure everything fits just right for you. This way, you get the most out of your online experience, and it’s optimized to meet your unique requirements. Your goals become our focus, and we work to ensure that the services we provide align perfectly with what you’re aiming to achieve.


We make it really easy to add our services into what you already use online. It’s like fitting puzzle pieces together – everything just works smoothly. Whether you have systems or ways of doing things already set up, our services blend right in without causing any disruptions. This means your online setup becomes more efficient and works well together. It’s like adding a new tool that instantly clicks with the ones you’re already using, making everything run even better. We ensure that our services don’t stand out awkwardly but seamlessly join in, making your online operation cohesive and streamlined. This way, you don’t have to change everything – our services smoothly become part of your existing setup, improving how everything works together.

Get Started Today!

Embark on your digital journey with confidence. Partner with Autoom Studio for unparalleled Domain & Hosting Solutions that empower your online success.

Contact us now to explore how our services can elevate your online presence and propel your business forward.

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